Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Free Download JamSession - Music & Music Band WordPress Theme

JamSession - Music & Music Band WordPress Theme

Free Download JamSession - Music & Music Band WordPress Theme

JamSession Music Theme DocumentationJamSession Music Theme Preview

Music is our passion!! JamSession is an awesome looking music WordPress theme suitable for artists, music bands, musicians or anyone working in the music industry. The template has a modern design and is very flexible allowing you to customize it according to your music style and to your needs. JamSession music WordPress theme features a full screen slider, responsive masonry archive layout, custom post types for discography, events, photo gallery and videos. JamSession music theme is extremely easy to configure, both for expert and beginner users. The theme is responsive and looks perfect on every device.

 Current Version: 4.7.1 August 21th, 2016

JamSession Music WordPress Theme Features

WordPress Music Theme - JamSession - Visual ComposerWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - Revolution SliderMusic WordPress Theme - JamSession - WooCommerceMusic WordPress Theme - JamSession - One Click Demo ImportMusic WordPress Theme - JamSession - responsiveWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - colorsMusic WordPress Theme - JamSession - Header LayoutsMusic WordPress Theme - JamSession - sliderWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - YouTube VimeoMusic WordPress Theme - JamSession - Individual Page BackgroundMusic WordPress Theme - JamSession - MasonryWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - DiscographyWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - List Or Masonry LayoutWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - audio playerMusic WordPress Theme - JamSession - SoundCloudWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - Contact reCaptchaWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - MaintenanceWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - TranslationWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - PreTranslatedWordPress Music Theme - JamSession - Support

Online Video and Written Documentation Available

Click here for step by step setup guide video tutorials.

Main Features

  • Fully responsive looks perfect on every device
  • Highly customizable menu via theme customizer change menu position, transparency and colors in live preview
  • Unlimited colors via theme customizer
  • Slider Revolution / Built in Slider
  • Touchable full screen slideshow for main page with youtube/vimeo support
  • Responsive masonry layout (resize your browser window to see it in action)
  • Offers the possibility to use different background for each page.
  • Album post type:
    • custom taxonomy for albums
    • entries for artist/release date, label, producer, three customizable purchase options
    • easy to use admin interface with media upload and drag&drop to add and rearrange audio files
    • music player on album page
  • Event post type:
    • custom taxonomy for events
    • entries for event date, time, venue, url to venue, tickets link and message, link to facebook event
    • support for google maps and youtube/vimeo videos
  • Photo album post type:
    • custom taxonomy for photo albums
    • media uploader for images and preview section
  • Video post type:
    • custom taxonomy for videos
    • support for youtube/vimeo videos
  • Changeable full screen background
  • Contact with sidebar and Full Width Contact page templates with reCAPTCHA verification
  • Page templates for photo gallery, videos, discography, events and archives
  • Right sidebar and full width page templates
  • Template for maintenance page
  • Support for social networks
  • Translation ready .po/.mo files included
  • Custom logo image via theme settings
  • Custom favicon via theme settings
  • Complete theme documentation
  • Free updates and technical support

Theme Updates Current Version: 4.7.1 August 21, 2016

== v4.7.1= - improve one click demo import functionality - code change related to photo gallery== v4.7= - improve one click demo import - make recapthca automatically detect user language - small fix on back to top functionality - add new location for translation files, outside the theme directory - add option to hide social share buttons - add option to remove border from content containers. - add new option to add images to photo albums from existing media gallery== v4.6.9= - added italian pre translation to the theme - implement custom slugs for custom taxonomies - added one click demo import - support for LinkedIn social network== v4.6.8= - minor fix related to the main menu - clean up contact fields after sending message - implement new reCaptcha - add 2nd order param for events - minor fix related to media player visual composer element - implement back to top button== v4.6.7= - fix reply styling on comments and echo "comment awaiting moderation" - remove useless spacing added after wpb_content_element elements in visual composer - add new layout (list) for events pages - update slider revolution and visual composer to latest versions== v4.6.6= - remove namespaces usage for latest tweets vc element - fixed sorting for masonry layout - fix logo upload in theme settings== v4.6.5= - implement new visual composer element for latest tweets - small fix related to WooCommerce visual composer elements== v4.6.4= - add theme setting that customize the title for the upcoming events bar - small fix on visual composer element - audio player - theme setting to choose what to display on upcoming events bar - create different view for videos with no content - add a dedicated visual composer button element== v4.6.3= - security update for Visual Composer - update music player element to release sockets on chrome browser== v4.6.2= - fix last album in jamsession-post-types - add new visual composer element with social icons== v4.6= - extend custom background for all custom post types - update visual composer and slider revolution to the last version== v4.5= - update WooCommerce template files to the last version - extend custom background for posts - catalogue number on album settings== v4.4.4= - fix event taxonomy sorting order== v4.4.3= - add new option to set different background for each page== v4.4.2= - add option to disable sticky menu - minor fix related to next events filter - fix related to empty page template - fix menu flickering - update visual composer to the last version== v4.4.1= - minor fix related to menu on mobile devices - support anchor links to different sections in empty page template== v4.4= - minor fix related to custom visual composer elements - change related to main theme background - update visual composer to the last version== 4.3== - update for Visual Composer plugin== 4.2== - minor fix regarding media playlist - security update for TGM plugin activator class== 4.1== - add Slider Revolution plugin== 4.0== - minor changes related to iframe styling and lightbox centering - fix related to main menu - new visual composer elements added== v3.9== - minor change related to search icon - filter event taxonomy page by event type (past/next/all) - add option to hide dates on archive pages for custom posts== v3.8== - update woocommerce templates to the last version - minor fix on gallery post type edit page - update to visual composer plugin - small fix related to icon-search - add transition effect option to the built in slider - added demo_import.xml to the theme package== v3.7== - small fix related to mobile menu== v3.6== - replace gettimestamp with an alternative supported by lower php versions - added a new page template - Blog - to show only regular posts - added a new menu version - added new theme settings to hide post meta on single posts== v3.5== - add image caption to lightbox - changes related to attachment page - add maintenance page template - implement maintenance mode functionality== v3.4== - small fix related to social profiles on main slider page== v3.3 == - disable related videos on youtube - add bandcamp to social media profiles - fix date on album taxonomy page== v3.2 == - small style improvement on the the photo album page - add a new option that allows the user to add any custom social network that is not already in the list - extend theme customizer to set the opacity for content containers - implement a better scrollbar == v3.1 == - add new theme setting that allows to hide Upcoming Events tab on the main slider page== v3.0 == - improve related to dates internationalization.== v2.9.2 == - fix related to one of the available menu layouts - update woocommerce theme support to woocommerce 2.2.2 - small change related to the custom page templates titles - change date format on single photo album page - small fix related to jquery-ui styling== v2.9.1 == - important fix related to icon fonts - small change related to all events page template== v2.9 == - small improvment related to sidebar buttons - minor fix related to responsive menu - add a new social network - ReverbNation== v2.8 == - small improvement related to css transitions on safari== v2.7 == - update Visual Composer plugin to the latest version== v2.6 == - maintain original order on masonry layout== v2.5 == - removed Visual Composer activation message - added All Events Page (Past Events and Next Events)== v2.4 == - small fix related to responsive menu - implement automatic update - minor change related to event date format== v2.3 == - handle website protocol on single video page - minor fixes related to WooCommerce== v2.2 == - minor bug fix related to maps on single event page== v2.0 == - add Visual Composer plugin - implement WooCommerce compatibility== v1.2 == - implement reCaptcha on contact pages - minor bug fix on events bar - implement past events page template - add SoundCloud support== v1.1 == - implement paginated view for albums - minor bug fix on archives - implement new option in theme settings to change the background for inner pages - implement full width contact page== v1.0 == Initial Release

Last Update 21 August 16
Created 4 April 14
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With WooCommerce 2.6.x, WooCommerce 2.5, WooCommerce 2.4.x, WooCommerce 2.3.x, WooCommerce 2.2.x, WooCommerce 2.1.x, Visual Composer 4.7.4
Software Version WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.5.x, WordPress 4.5.2, WordPress 4.5.1, WordPress 4.5, WordPress 4.4.2, WordPress 4.4.1, WordPress 4.4, WordPress 4.3.1, WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.2, WordPress 4.1, WordPress 4.0, WordPress 3.9, WordPress 3.8
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Columns 2
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags albums, artist, audio, band, club, customizer, discography, gallery, masonry, music, music band, musician, responsive, video, widget ready

Preview/Demo Link : Link

Download Link : Link

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