Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Free Download Eminent (HTML), an ultra clean & professional site

Eminent (HTML), an ultra clean & professional site

Free Download Eminent (HTML), an ultra clean & professional site

5 Colors | 5 Page Templates | HTML/CSS/JS

Version 1.2 Now Available, including a new jFlow slider on the homepage!

This theme is a complete site, designed from the ground up to promote anything from a corporate business to a portfolio site. Heres what you get with your purchase:

  1. 5 color themes (Professional Blue, Bright Blue, Sunset, Green, Magenta).
  2. 5 core page templates (Home, Generic Content, Image Gallery, Blog, Services)
  3. jQuery Lightbox
  4. jQuery jFlow Thumbnail Gallery Slider
  5. SIFR Custom Type Integration
  6. Gracefully degrading code (for older browsers)
  7. All Layout PSD Files
  8. All Chop PSD files (pre-sliced for easy re-skinning)
  9. Well Documented Instruction File
  10. Validated & Compliant Code using W3C and Litmus

The Bright Blue version of the theme is shown in the Live Preview, but ALL 5 COLORS come with the download view the additional colors in the Screenshots I tried to fit in as many colors in the screenshots as possible, but keep in mind this is just the tip of the iceberg of whats in this product.

Heres the other Live Previews:

Technical Note: Im running some HTML encryption in a few key locations in the Live Preview to protect the code. Rest assured, the full version that youll receive upon purchase is unencrypted and very simple to use.

Eminent uses the well designed Mido as the primary title font (Available FREE), and Lucida sans & Georgia (a free system font) for the body copy.

The layout is set to be 940 px wide with a sidebar that fits 270225 (scaled 300250 IMU) ads perfectly (ideal if you or the client wants an ad block), and incorporates many features ranging from a product or image galleries to blog posts.

Version 1.1 Update [Available Now]: An updated version is available with a variety of small bug fixes, SIFR updates, stability improvements for various browsers, additional sliced PSD files, and more.

Version 1.2 Update [Available Now]: This update make several small improvements to font styling in the template but the major update is the new jFlow slider thats been incorporated into the homepage inside the laptop graphic. All images can trigger a lightbox (this can be removed easily). Read more in the documentation of the product after you purchase it for detailed instructions.

Thanks for all of you who have posted feedback and bought the product so far!

With any web project there are always bugs that might slip through, even though I test extensively with Litmus as well as live-testing on a variety of browsers. As new bugs are discovered, Im dedicated to solving them as quickly as possible and posting updates. For additional help, youre all welcome to use the forums or to email me. Im a busy dude, but I do my best to assist anyone who has questions asking nicely certainly helps :).

Open Source Code Used:






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Created 19 April 09
Last Update 19 April 09
Compatible Browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, Safari, Opera
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PNG, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Columns 1
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
Tags blog, clean, clean, corporate, corporate, designer, gallery, jquery, lightbox, portfolio, portfolio, product, simple

Preview/Demo Link : Link

Download Link : Link

Free Download Eminent (HTML), an ultra clean & professional site,Download nulled Eminent (HTML), an ultra clean & professional site,Get Nulled Eminent (HTML), an ultra clean & professional site download

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